Small Bathroom Renovation Tips

A Small bathroom renovation can be tricky. It is hard to have the big fancy basin or the mega tub. But there are some important things that you can focus on to maximise the look and functionality of any small bathroom. We have written this article to give some great tips for renovating any small bathroom. Working […]
What to Consider Before Getting a Bathroom Renovation

We constantly get questions from customers about how to prepare for a bathroom renovation and what considerations are important to think over. There are a host of different things you need to consider when getting a bathroom renovation. Before you go ahead and start selecting colours, shower heads and tiles, you should start with the basics. We […]
Bathroom styling trends for winter 2019

Considering a bathroom renovation this coming winter? Renovating a bathroom means making literally hundreds of decisions along the way. With seemingly limitless options, even getting started can seem overwhelming. Here at Intrend Bathrooms and Interiors, we like to keep on top of the latest trends and the newest in materials to help make your renovation […]
Spring has Sprung: Bathroom Renovation Tips for Spring

A collective sigh is breathed across the nation as we move out of Australian winter and into spring. Traditionally, spring means a great big clean-out of your home and some new soft furnishings, but spring is also a great time to begin on the bathroom renovation you’ve been dreaming about all through the cold winter […]
Guest Ready: How to Switch from Family to Guest Bathroom in a Flash

The holiday season might be over and you’re probably settling in for a few quiet guest-free months. With the kids back at school and work in full swing for the new year, it’s tempting to become complacent about the most controversial room in the house: the bathroom. Let’s face it, keeping the family bathroom in […]
5 Tips for Choosing Your Bathroom Style

So, you’ve decided that it’s time for a home renovation in 2018, but you’re stuck on possibly the most important question: What is my style? Whether or not you’re an experienced renovator, choosing a style for the bathroom can be difficult. Where, once upon a time, the bathroom was an afterthought when it came to […]
Top Questions to Ask Your Bathroom Renovation Specialist

Renovating your bathroom is an exciting time for homeowners, whether it’s your first renovation or not. In fact, regardless of whether you’re renovating to turn a profit, or simply to make your bathroom better suit your lifestyle, it’s one of the most rewarding projects you can undertake. But, needless to say, it can also be […]
Top Tips for Finding and Hiring a Professional Renovator

Finding information on the web is but a couple of clicks away these days. From design ideas, to 3D planning tools, to tips on saving cash; good old Doctor Google can answer almost any burning question you have. Despite this, information on finding and engaging the right professional for you, including renovators, can be tricky! […]
5 Steps for Planning Your Bathroom Renovation

Have you and your family been living with a bathroom that’s just too small for your needs? Perhaps that old bathtub and discoloured sink feature regularly in your nightmares. Are you a little embarrassed to let your guests use the bathroom when you’re entertaining? Renovating is a great solution for tired old bathrooms, and can […]
Bathroom Storage Miracles

If there’s one universal truth about bathrooms, it’s that storage is always an issue. Whether you’re living in an apartment, or occupying a glorious 3000 square foot bungalow, bathroom storage is going to cause you nightmares. What, with all those towels, toilet roles, hair curling accessories, soaps, hand wash, decorative sea shells; you’re bound to […]